So this is how things went in our house this morning:
6:40- that damn alarm goes off and I hit snooze...
6:50- it has the nerve to go off again.
****I absolutely HATE waking up...I mean who really likes waking up****
So I get up and we begin the morning routine. Tim lets the dog out. The big one...not the little one. It's raining....AGAIN! I don't think I've seen the sun in weeks! I'm all for a gloomy day but fo' realzzzz, enough already! I'm over the dark skies and wet weather. We might get snow/ice tonight! If the kids have a snow day tomorrow, I might cry.
Anyway back to the dogs. It's important for me to splice them in bc they set my mood every morning. Lately the puppy likes to bark at every noise he hears, which is so fun! It adds so much more to the morning chaos! So he goes to the door and swats his bells I've got hanging on the door handle to notify us when he has to go.
****Best and worst idea ever! I'll be hearing those bells for the rest of my life! Their sound is forever etched in my memory!!****
Tim will have to dry him off bc our backyard is a wet, muddy mess. No matter how good you dry either dog, they track in some type of schmutz! I'm so over it! OVER IT! I'm mopping constantly. It's getting old. No it's past the point of old.
So we get Parker in the shower, and we are already running about 5 min behind. Parker has started to shower in the mornings bc he's cold. Once he comes out, he gets dressed and I get his breakfast ready. He never eats the same thing really for more than 2 days in a row. So he's back to cinnamon toast this morning which takes preparation but whatever. He's still NOT 50 pounds so I'm always trying to fatten him up.
****Now would be a good time to add that he doesn't like butter on his bread but I need to add butter in order to make his cinnamon toast. So I have to make sure it's spread in. OH and the toast has to be toasted but not too dark. If it's too dark he really won't eat it. And we're not talking burnt toast, bc who likes that? We're talking some special way that Parker has pre-determined acceptable to his palate. Pain in the ass, party of one calling.****
The dogs are fighting and my daily threat of "imma cut you if you don't shut up" has begun. So I'm already a tad edgy. I've had sinus crud for days and I just want back in that warm bed so I can hang out with Frank and Claire Underwood. Yes, that is a shameless plug for one of the best shows ever, House of Cards.
Enter child nĂºmero uno:
I don't know what in the sam hell she is wearing. We long layer a lot but this was long layering taken to the extreme. Plus things are getting tighter on her. She's not gained weight really but she's bigger in certain areas. And at the risk of embarrassing her, I'll let you figure out what stage of life we are in. Yay! So I made the mistake of saying "um you can't wear that." Well holy hell! The fit she went into. Oopsie.
****the damn dogs....all their fault****
So I've upset her. I don't know why...?
So she turns around and stomps back to her room and changes. She still keeps her jeans and long layering shirt on and comes out with another shirt on. It's better but yeah, my face says it all.
Me: how about you wear those cute tops I bought you for your bday?
Brynn: ummm bc I've worn those already.
****let me add here that there's tone on her end...oh hell is there tone****
Me: when, like last week?
B: no mom but there hasn't been a 3 week separation btwn last time and today.
Me: uh what?
B: mooooom, I've told you that what a girl wears and how often determines her popularity!
Me: <blank stare>
B:if I wear the same things, I'll look poor and people will think I have nothing to wear!
Me: who determines this rule? Who has said this?
B: I don't doesn't matter. It's just how things are.
Me: ummm ok, so first things first. Have we raised you to be a snob who says and believes that? No! Do you make fun of or look down upon those who do wear the same things every week?
B: <quietly> no, I wouldn't do that.
Me: well good! So why are you holding yourself to the same standard? Who says it has to be this way????
B: no one, never mind it just doesn't matter.
Me: no it does! You can't have this mentality!
B: fine! Just forget it!
Me: watch your tone.
She stomps back to her room and I'm thinking she's going to change into another horrific ensemble but she doesn't.
She comes back out with a hair accessory that she needs help with. I've done it before but for some reason I can't get it today? Quite possibly bc I'm afraid of her at this point. I can't do it right so she storms off again.
****Btw, this all happens between 7-730. It's been a very tense half hour!****
I feel like I'm, I know I'm entering a new phase. Brynn is a very easy and usually happy child. She's trying to assert herself in many ways, which is very appreciated! But at that same time, I feel she still needs guidance with some issues and I find myself not approaching those in the best way.
I'm a control freak and I like things perfect but Brynn apparently wants to become this generation's "Punky Brewster". It was cute on Soleil Moon Frye but not my kid!
Oh wasn't the first time and it won't be the last time that I let her wear
something that I would never put together!
At this point I'm yelling to get teeth brushed and shoes on. This is more for the boy. He's still not awake and has not finished his toast. He hasn't mentioned they're too toasted but I can tell. This reminds me that I must work on my toasting skills. You know, in all the spare time I have!
Once he gets up to finish getting ready, the puppy, who has already been outside twice and terrorized Gus for his food, is eating the rest of the toast that Parker has left on the couch. At least he likes it.
Ahhhh....the days are long but the years are short, right?!